AMM Agent use case demonstrates how to manage liquidity pools and automated trading:
Deposit tokens and add liquidity.
Place AMM orders to enable automated trading.
Use the Agent from the Basic use case to take orders and complete the transaction.
Execute the following command to create AMM Agents:
Example output:
wBn7-31aDtChhLfUk_eXNG9Nbafa_ghT29XRxk7osiM create amm agent: <YourAMMAgent1>
ORHaLUrAiknTAq2Wszoyl6buJrd3MqDKLTF_2CggLtw create amm agent: <YourAMMAgent2>
Configure AMMAGENT1 and AMMAGENT2 in the .env.local file and load:
export $(cat .env.local | xargs)
Deposit Token into Agent
node ./amm/deposit.js --walletN=2 --agentId=$AMMAGENT2
Balance check:
node ./balance.js --address=$AMMAGENT2
Add Liquidity to the Pool
Deposit tokens into the AMM liquidity pool:
node ./amm/addPool.js --walletN=2 --agentId=$AMMAGENT2
Query liquidity pool information:
node ./amm/query.js --walletN=2 --agentId=$AMMAGENT2
Example output:
pools {
"0fLIp-xxRnQ8Nk-ruq8SBY8icaIvZMujnqCGU79fnM0:AttsQGi4xgSOTeHM6CNgEVxlrdZi4Y86LQCF__p4HUM": {
"py": "50",
"algo": "UniswapV2",
"fee": 30,
"px": "50",
"y": "AttsQGi4xgSOTeHM6CNgEVxlrdZi4Y86LQCF__p4HUM",
"balances": {
"0fLIp-xxRnQ8Nk-ruq8SBY8icaIvZMujnqCGU79fnM0": "50",
"AttsQGi4xgSOTeHM6CNgEVxlrdZi4Y86LQCF__p4HUM": "50"
"x": "0fLIp-xxRnQ8Nk-ruq8SBY8icaIvZMujnqCGU79fnM0"
Create Order
Create an order from the AMM pool:
node ./amm/request.js --walletN=2 --agentId=$AMMAGENT2
Example output:
order {
"ID": 2601,
"AssetID": "0fLIp-xxRnQ8Nk-ruq8SBY8icaIvZMujnqCGU79fnM0",
"MakeTx": "zkmqIcN2KNOS38zgAq5AxTfnMeod7OaZUcy_SMOGJqE",
"ExpireDate": 1733297855923,
"HolderAssetID": "AttsQGi4xgSOTeHM6CNgEVxlrdZi4Y86LQCF__p4HUM",
"NoteID": "14ec8heZ5m3XR6j9ZBOIUT-3lhq6qgloaz9ObIG-_PI",
"IssueDate": 1733297765923,
"HolderAmount": "5",
"Amount": "4",
"Status": "Open",
"Price": 1.25,
"Issuer": "xhgS6MeQ4qhYqP21ptsCSHY3m9faNsPs0ewRKB9jvwo"
Set NoteID as an Environment Variable:
export NOTEID=<NoteID>
Take Order
Use Basic Agent1 to take the order:
node ./basic/take.js --walletN=1 --agentId=$AGENT1 --noteId=$NOTEID
After the transaction is completed, query the balance of both agents:
node ./balance.js --address=$AGENT1
node ./amm/query.js --walletN=2 --agentId=$AMMAGENT2
Arbitrage Operation
Combine OrderBook and AMM for a simple arbitrage strategy:
Create a low-price buy order or high-price sell order from the OrderBook.
Create a corresponding order on the AMM to capitalize on the price difference for arbitrage.
Use a script to complete the arbitrage process in one click.
Perform arbitrage using OrderBook and AMM:
node ./arbitrage.js --agentId=$AGENT1 --orderbookAgentId=$ORDERBOOKAGENT2 --ammAgentId=$AMMAGENT2
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