OrderBook Blueprint


npm install aoffp
# or
yarn add aoffp

Get FFP Settlement Process ID

import { getSettleProcessId } from 'aoffp'

const settleProcessId = getSettleProcessId()
console.log('settleProcessId', settleProcessId)

Create OrderBook Agent

If the OrderBook Agent Process has not been created, it needs to be created first. The creation operation is as follows:

import { createOrderbookProcess } from 'aoffp'
import { createDataItemSigner } from '@permaweb/aoconnect'

const address = 'your-arweave-address'
const signer = createDataItemSigner(arJWK)
const settleProcessId = getSettleProcessId()
const orderbookAgent = await createOrderbookProcess(signer)
const orderbookProcessId = orderbookAgent.agentId
console.log('orderbookProcessId', orderbookProcessId)

To create a new agent instance, use the following command:

import { Orderbook } from 'aoffp'
import { createDataItemSigner } from '@permaweb/aoconnect'

const signer = createDataItemSigner(arJWK)
const orderbookProcessId = 'your-orderbook-process-id'
const settleProcessId = getSettleProcessId()
const orderbook = new Orderbook(signer, orderbookProcessId, settleProcessId)

Agent Operations

Deposit Funds

To deposit funds into the agent, use the following operation:

const depositMessageId = await orderbook.deposit(tokenProcessId, quantity)
console.log('depositMessageId', depositMessageId)

Withdraw Funds

To withdraw funds from the agent, use the following operation:

const withdrawMessageId = await orderbook.withdraw(tokenProcessId, quantity)
console.log('withdrawMessageId', withdrawMessageId)

Get All Orders in FFP

const allOrders = await orderbook.getOrders(tokenIn, tokenOut, status, desc, page, pageSize)
console.log('allOrders', allOrders)

Place an Order

To place a limit order, use the following operation:

const order = await orderbook.makeOrder(tokenInProcessId, tokenOutProcessId, quantityIn, quantityOut)
console.log('order', order)

Cancel an Order

To cancel an existing order, use the following operation:

const cancelOrderMessageId = await orderbook.cancelOrder(noteId)
console.log('cancelOrderMessageId', cancelOrderMessageId)

// result
const cancelOrderResult = await getProcessResult(cancelOrderMessageId, orderbookProcessId)
console.log('cancelOrderResult', JSON.stringify(cancelOrderResult, null, 2))

Take an Order

To take an order (eat the order), use the following operation:

const takeOrderMessageId = await orderbook.takeOrder([noteId1, noteId2, ...])
console.log('takeOrderMessageId', takeOrderMessageId)

// result
const takeOrderResult = await getProcessResult(takeOrderMessageId, orderbookProcessId)
console.log('takeOrderResult', JSON.stringify(takeOrderResult, null, 2))

Last updated

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